Practical Driving Test Top Tips

One in five drivers has said they revised the same amount of time for their Theory Test and Practical Driving Test, as they did for A-levels and university exams.

Let us make it easier for you with our top Practical Driving Test Tips to help you smash the big day:

  1. Get online!
    Did you know, according to new research, people in the UK last year spent around 27.18 hours on TikTok per month? So, put that scrolling time to good use!
    Online platforms such as YouTube and TikTok have become incredibly popular in the world of driving since lockdown. They both provide unlimited content on Theory and Practical Driving Tests, allowing you to revise and practice whenever you like, not just in your lessons.
    All you have to do is search ‘learning to drive’ and you will see endless instructors doing mock exams, roundabout demonstrations, steering and pedal basics, and so much more.
    Check out our TikTok here!
  2. Keep your eyes ahead and not on what the examiner is doing.
    As tempting as it may be to try and sneak a peek at what they’re doing, it could actually do more harm than good.
    Looking down or away from the road can cause you to lose control of the vehicle, and in turn result in a fault in your test, or in some cases, could end a lot worse than that.
    Keep your eyes forward, on the road and on your mirrors. Don’t worry about what the examiner is doing.
  3. Don’t be afraid of the examiner!
    Your nerves will most likely be through the roof, and that is normal, but don’t make things worse by being afraid of the other person in the car. They’re only human too!
    If you misheard, misunderstood or simply have a question about what they’ve told you, ask them to repeat or to help.
    Believe it or not, examiners do want you to pass and will do what they can to help you!
  4. Don’t think the worse
    If you think you’ve made a mistake, whether it was big or small, do not give up!
    Overthinking and being too hard on yourself will only make you more stressed. You never know, that mistake could have been just one minor fault.
    If you quit trying because you assumed you’ve failed could actually make you go on to make a big mistake that costs you your test.
    Continue positivity throughout and show the examiner that you are a safe driver.
  5. Get an app!
    What if we told you that our Driving Theory Test 4 in 1 app had a Practical Driving Test feature too? You better believe it…
    The Learning to Drive subscription offers over six hours of virtual driving lessons, hundreds of step-by-step training videos, driving routines and manoeuvres that you can study before and after your lessons to help cement that information in!
    To start your three days free trial, click here!
  6. Practice as a passenger
    Being a passenger is the perfect opportunity for you to watch qualified drivers driving.
    Watch when they change gear, when they check their mirrors, ask them questions, look at road signs and ask what they mean.
    The more you are surrounding yourself in that environment, the easier it will be to pick things up and apply them in your lessons.

For more Practical Driving Test tips, check out our YouTube and TikTok channels!

What to do after you pass your driving test!
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