At the end of last year, we submitted an application for the Product of the Year award with Intelligent Instructor, and not long after, we were shortlisted!

Driving Test Success was then announced as the winner, for the second year running!

With our main USP being our Pass Guarantee, we’ve helped influence an impressive pass rate of 97% (compared to the national average of less than 50%). Our learners follow our tailored revision plan to secure them their first-time pass, whilst also learning safe driving methods.

We are so sure our app secures passes, that if you do go on to fail, we will personally refund you your full test fee.

Last year we had a major glow-up. We listened to your feedback and decided it was time for a fresh look. We launched a brand-new appearance for the 4 in 1 app; easy navigation paired with a modern more simplistic design has drastically improved usability for our app users.

We reasoned that since our target group is constantly surrounded by technology, it was only natural to streamline our app to reflect this.

A big selling point for our app is our social following. In just two years of having a TikTok account, we have hit over 1.1M followers and have become a verified account!

Tips for revision, how to use the app, what to expect on a driving lesson, how to settle nerves, and what happens on the day of your Driving Test are just some of the topics that have had an amazing reception from our followers.

“Its success is in its simplicity and ease of use. With an impressive 1m followers on its recently launched TikTok platform, to help engage with young students, it proves that social media can be an effective learning tool for this audience.”

Driving Test Success couldn’t have done it without you.

On behalf of the team at DTS, we wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who voted for us!

We look forward to everything to come in 2023 and we can’t wait to bring you all along for the ride.

Need some last-minute advice for passing your Theory Test?
What are the ten toughest driving Theory Test questions?